Trusted by 500+ clients

Revolutionize your guest experience with our exceptional product features

Multilingual QR Digital Menu
Customers can scan the QR code with their phone to access the digital menu in their preferred language. Add/remove products, modify price, place your bestsellers & offers at the top of the menu.

Seating Menu Pricing
Generate QR codes for different seating choices and their prices (e.g. Patio Dining, Al Fresco Dining, Terrace Seating, Garden Dining, Open-Air Seating, Rooftop Seating, Deck Dining, Sidewalk Seating)

Product Variants / Addons
Add variant & addon value (eg. size, volume, weight) for the product. Set price for each variant/addon. The system will calculate the defined price for each variant/addon selected by the customer.
Customized to accommodate different business services





Food Court

Pizza Shop

Cloud Kitchen

Massage and Spa

Saloon and Nails
Customers are lovin’ it
Friendly application for restaurants
"This application is user-friendly for both customers and us. It reduces manpower, especially waiters and bill desks. So, I recommend this system to other restaurants."
Simple & easy to handle
"By using zuyyu, managing the menu is as simple as doing 1st grade. By using the restaurant application, modifying the menu is much quicker and easier."
A perfect application
"It helped gain people’s trust and made the flow contactless with the digital menu. The automating process enabled us to cut down costs on our staff."
Cost-effective & highly recommended
"This application gives such control over our menu for adding/removing items, amending prices, adding specials, etc. without having to go through the massive expense of a reprint each time."
Multi-language platform
"zuyyu QR menu is great to improve hospitality. It has all the information available in a multi-language menu which makes our tourist guests feel even more welcome and valuable. It eliminates human errors in communication and makes our restaurants a place for all guests."
Awesome customer support
"It is an excellent product, quite complete, and ready to start using it. The team support is always available to help and guide you with all questions."
Unleash the potential of a cloud-based, AI-powered multilingual menu solution tailored for diverse businesses.
- 7 Days Free Trial
- Display Unlimited Products
- Multilingual QR Digital Menu
- Product Variants
- Product Addons
- 7 Days Free Trial
- Display Unlimited Products
- Multilingual QR Digital Menu
- Product Variants
- Product Addons